Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
297 lines
│ SPRITER V1.01 Beta │
║ Spriter Manual By Dimitri Smits, author of SPRITER 01/06 ║
Disclaimer ................................................................. 02
Why? ....................................................................... 02
What this proggy does ...................................................... 03
FeedBackWare? What's that? ................................................. 04
BugReports (Please help me to improve) ;) .................................. 04
How to get in touch with the author ........................................ 05
Insecabilis, never heard of (you should be ashamed ;)), who are they? ...... 05
What to expect in future versions .......................................... 05
Credits .................................................................... 06
IGA - Format ............................................................... 06
║ Spriter Manual By Dimitri Smits, author of SPRITER 02/06 ║
║ Disclaimer (Sorry, but this is necessary!) ║
The author of this program is not liable for any damage to the
computer on which this programm will run or has run, nor for any loss
of DATA whatsoever. The author claims not to have put in any Virusses
,Worms, Trojans, or anything else damaging or threatening your compu.
When this program was first released, it did NOT have anything in it
(except for drawing routines, mouse routines, and input/output routines
for managing files).If you have any trouble whatsoever with the program
you may report it to me, but you MUST remember that the program was
provided AS IS! Maybe (IF its a bug in the program) I will look after
it. If You DON'T like this, then DELETE EVERYTHING NOW!
║ Why? ║
└┐ Why?└┐ Well I started programming last Mai,(in pure TP 7.0 of course)
└──────┘ and wanted to create something 'BIG'. Since I had started, all
of my proggy's stayed under 10K source (when you know that TP compiles
5K anyhow, you might know that those proggy's wheren't that awesome
at all ;)), so I thought that I should do something BIG and worthwhile
(on how to code proggy's in TPascal), yet interesting and pulicly
appealing. Since there are MANY, MANY ;) trackers available, I figured
that the world wasn't waiting for another MOD-proggy (with respect
to all other existing sound-module formats around) and therefore I
wanted to make something about graphics (the real reason is that I
don't understand SH*T about music) and then I started wondering about
what subject ... and came up with a program that could generate an
array of bytes for screen purposes (more commonly known as sprites &
fonts) because I wondered where the people on the DEMOScene got there
marvellous fonts & drawings (I know now (when I'm (or was) writing
this text) that the use PCX-files or BMP's or GIF's or ...) and
started meditating on how to accomplish that and what other features
there would have to be to distinguish it from other drawing-programms
and came up with an ICONdraw-routine. Well, since then I have learned
a bit of assembler (a lot actually, but not enough to go fully ASM)
which I implemented in some routines. This program is not the fastest
smallest, low in memory use, best coolest proggy ever, but I like my
first real program and will continue on making it better and optimizing
the code, as soon I see that there is need to continue.
The (only) reason why I don't release my sourcecode is that I am a
bit ashamed by the way it looks, its unoptimizedness (or something like
that, I know:bad english :)), it being undocumented and hard to follow
as anyone could expect for a first release of a source of 64K.
So don't worry, I'm working on a new project now and am rewriting a
big part of the program. If you want to know what the project is, read
on in What to expect in future versions.
║ Spriter Manual By Dimitri Smits, author of SPRITER 03/06 ║
║ What this proggy does (or is supposed to do) ║
It's a drawing proggy to draw sprites,fonts(libs of sprites) & ICONs.
It also produces files in I(nsecabilis)G(raphics)A(rray)-format.
It is not my intention to give a complete overview of it's functions,
because I have to get up early tomorrow, but here is an explanation
about getting started:
┌A────────────────────────────┐ ┌B────────────┐ ┌C──────────────────────────┐
│ │ │ 32 * 32 │ │ CREDIT TO ME │
│ 32 * 32 raster │ │ pixels │ │ + │
│ │ │ the result │ │ TITLE PROGRAM & VERS │
│ │ │ in mode 13H │ ├S───────────┬T─────────────┤
│ Here you draw your │ │ 320*200*256 │ │IN-FileName │Out-FileName │
│ pictures │ └─┬U─┬─┬V─┬───┘ └────────────┴──────────────┘
│ │ ┌D└──┴─┴──┴─────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ │ Message Box │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ │ └─Path──────────────────────────────────┘ │
└─────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
┌E─────┬F─────┐ ┌N┐ ┌O───────────────────────────────────┐┌P──────────────┐
│ SAVE │ LOAD │BAR├─┤ │ ││ │
├G─────┼H─────┤ │ │ │ 256 COLORS │├Q──────────────┤
│ QUIT │ SIZE │ │ │ │ ││ │
└──────┴──────┘┌M─│ │ │ │├───────────────┤
Actual Pict >│NR│ │ │ ││ │
┌I─────┬J─────┐└──┤ │ │ ││ SAVE INFO │
│CLEAR │ COPY │ │ │ │ ││ │
├K─────┼L─────┤ │ │ │ │├R──────────────┤
│PASTE │ CUT │ ├─┤ │ ││ │
└──────┴──────┘ └N┘ └────────────────────────────────────┘└───────────────┘
A => A 32*32 (4pixel*4pixel)-raster in which you can draw your sprites
leftbutton=U, rightbutton=V, middlebutton=0 (erase)
B => along with A, you get to see the result Real-Size
C => just filling
D => here is where you get to see errors (Disk I/O (file not found, ...))
also there is a bar with a path-string, which you can alter
E => this saves according to the T extension in IGA-format or ICO-format
if the extension is IGA, the program will use P,Q,R to know what to save
so, when you want to save something, FIRST check if the settings in P,Q,R
are the ones you would like to use for your saving.
F => this LOADs into memory from the Picture you are on (M) onwards 'til
everything is loaded (when you load a lib from a position, but when the
lib contains more than 60-M, it will start at the beginning again (M=1)
when it reaches 61)
G => Obvious not?!?
H => has only effect on P and Q variables
I => clears current picture defined by M
J => makes a copy of everything in the P & Q variables to a clipboard
K => gets the clipboard to the current picture and fills it from X1 Y1, defined
in P & Q
L => Cuts everything within the range of the P & Q variables
║ Spriter Manual By Dimitri Smits, author of SPRITER 04/06 ║
M => points to current position,by leftclicking the mouse on it, you can change
directly to a specified picture (which will alter A & B as well)
N => 2 arrows used by clicking on it to alter the position in picture array
indirectly changes M and thus A & B also
leftclick=1 at a time, rightclick=keep pressed to alter till you artive
where you want to be
O => colours of palette,which is available
leftclicking on them will alter U
rightclicking on them will alter V
remember that when you want to change an ICON, you MAY ONLY USE colors
0 TO 15 (line 1 in O)
P & Q => topleft till bottomright + X-axis & Y-axis length to (cut,copy,...)
R => from which picture till which picture to save
S => name inputfile
T => name outputfile
U => color left
V => color right
║ FeedBackWare? What is that? ║
It's a name I gave this 'system' of Public Domain I use.
When you want to use this program, you will get my permission, but what you
will have to do is put EVERYTHING you made using this program on the PUBLIC
DOMAIN. Also, I want YOU to send me an E-Mail to my Internet address(see below)
(now I'll finally get some mail!) in which you will give me an idea of what
you think about SPRITER, and also on which Internet (FTP-site) I will be able
to find your GFX and how to get there.
If you have any comments or bugreports or ideas or ...,whatever,please send it
to me, I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
So, in a nutshell: FeedBackWare is:
You Download SPRITER, which you may use and copy IF:
- YOU send me E-Mail
- YOU notice me where/how I can find your work with my program
- You send me MONEY, WOMEN, A PENTIUM, ..... ;) (if you feel like it)
- You give me some feedback on the proggy, so it will become better
- You put your work on the public domain
- When you use any of these GFX for a production, please give credit
to me (Dimitri Smits or Discordis / Insecabilis) and the artist
who made the library.
If your work is GOOD, it will be included in a next version of SPRITER with
credits to your work.
If your tips prove usefull, you are also on the road to fame, because you
will be mentioned hardcoded in the proggy.
║ Bugreports ║
- When you type in a name, (especially path) its quite possible that
you see as if nothing happened , well it probably didn't
- I dont get the right palette for the ICONS ( so if you know, send it
to me, please!)
- after altering anything in R, the red Square is gone
- program uses KeybScancodes -> the character displayed may be or not
be the one you expected to type, so watch out what you type
(this will be fixed in the next release)
Maybe (read: probably) these will be fixed in another version
║ Spriter Manual By Dimitri Smits, author of SPRITER 05/06 ║
║ How to get in touch with the author? ║
About Spriter
Via E-Mail:
send to: dsmits@zorro.ruca.ua.ac.be
^^^-> hey,don't lauch, I didn't choose its name
if about spriter subscribe: Discordis.IGA
anything else (e.g. application for GFX artist)
subscribe: INSECABILIS
Via Snail Mail:
send to: Discordis/Insecabilis
Paulus Beyestraat 91
2100 Deurne (BELGIUM)
║ Insecabilis? Never heard of! Who are they? ║
Insecabilis is the name of a Demo/Intro/Game group I am trying to
start. At the moment of this writing, there are 3 members
Dimitri Smits (Discordis): CODER
Benjamin De Hondt : MUSICIAN (has his own CD out in a
couple of months)
Ben Verpoorten : CODER
If YOU are intersted in 'working' for a group such as ours, please
contact me, I won't lauch (I'd probably do worse anyway).
So, if you are a 'GOOD' GFX-artist, a 'GOOD' musician or a 'GOOD'
CODER (preferably capable of writing his Sourcecode in TP7.0(with
ASM-based subroutines) and able to create a musicsystem for 8CHN
MODS(or something)) PLEASE send us some of your work, or tell us
where to find it (on Internet) and we 'll take a look at it.
We are (at least not for now) not yet into commercial demos, becoz
we want to learn to code better and have more efficiency first,
maybe we will in a 'near' FUTURE.
║ What to expect in future releases ║
- more than 32 * 32 piccy's
- more than 60 piccy's
- a paletteroutine for getting better control over what you draw
- a text-font editor (draw binary fonts for in text mode)
(how to implement that, will be explained then)
- faster routines
- full TP7.0 *.PAS sourcecode (no TPU's -> .PAS) with documentation
- examples
- fileselection routines (you wouldn't have to know where,what file is)
- many, many more things
- if you have any ideas, get in touch I'll add them to this list
and will implement them sooner or later.
- another palette possible (boy, everyone hates green nowadays!;)
║ Spriter Manual By Dimitri Smits, author of SPRITER 06/06 ║
║ Credits ║
Dimitri Smits for coding & ideas
Benjamin De Hondt for Beta-testing
Steven Smits for Beat-testing
Ellen Smits for Beta testing
Guy Hofkens for Mouse-Routines (Partially)
Dirk Schippers /A.P.E.X. for giving me ideas and learning me to program
WITHOUT BGI's and a beginning of ASM-coding (implemented in TP)
║ IGA-Format ║
┌ BYTE ─┬──────── DESCRIPTION ───────────────────────────────────┐
│1 to 3 │ IGA (header) │
│ 4 │ Version this file was made with │
│ 5 │ number of piccy's in FILE │
│ 6 │ Y-axis of each piccy (set for all) │
│ 7 │ X-axis of each piccy (set for all) │
│ 8 │ number times (y times (x pixels)) │
. . . .
. . . .
║ Last Minute Note ║
This Package should be spread totally, without changes, and should contain
the following files:
SPRIV100.DOC you are reading this
SPRIHIST.INS history file
SPRITER.EXE SPRITER, the executable
FILE_ID.DIZ description-file
PALETTE.PAL palette-file (if you make another palette, this won't
change the palette in the program, but if your palette
is better, you may always send it in)